Create New Possibilities in Your Life: Day 14 Love is the Golden Key

“Love melts all blockages.” ~Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha



Love is the Golden Key


The golden key to creation is love. In order to create something new in your life you need to fill the space of your new creation with love. Love holds that object or thing. Love embraces and nourishes the soul of that which you want to create. Love is the power of creation.


Love every part of your body. Love every organ. Love every cell. Love your hair, love your eyes, and love your skin. Love, honor and respect your physical divine temple.


Love your mind. Release old negative patterns, negative self-talk. You are worthy of giving and receiving love. You are worthy of creating something new in your life. To create new possibilities in your life, love yourself first. This love will radiate from your heart and create something new in your life.


Love your soul and heart. Your soul is beautiful. It is a golden light being, like a baby golden Buddha. It is waiting to shine it´s light, it´s radiance. Your soul wants to love. Your heart wants to shine all the qualities of love, compassion, forgiveness and light. All souls. Everyone receives this beautiful qualities. Love will help you to create something new.


Today, spent a few minutes to love yourself. Tell yourself “I am a beautiful radiant soul full of love.” Chant “Love melts all blockages.” Chant it from the heart. Chant it like you truly mean it. Chant for as long as you can. Your heart will open and love will begin to radiate out and help you create something new


I love you all.


With love and appreciation,

Master Francisco Quintero



Create New Possibilities in Your Life: Day 13 How to Transform What Needs to Change

“When we are no longer able to change a situation – we are challenged to change ourselves.” ~Viktor E. Frankl



How to Transform What Needs to Change


In our spiritual and physical journey often we have to heal and transform aspects of our life that are not benefiting us or blocking our ability to create. In order to create something new in your life sometimes you need to change what is not working.


You may need to change for example a behavior, a negative mind-set, a negative belief, or maybe something like the Feng Shui of your home. Positive change can open new doors, can create energy that allows manifestation to be possible in your life.


In order to transform what needs to change in your life it is important to look deep within your heart and soul. Sometimes these blockages prevent us from growing, but at the same time have an invaluable lesson to teach us. We may need to dig deep within your hearts and feel the pain or harm that we have caused others.


Today I have created a soul guided meditation to help you transform the things that need to change in your life to help you manifest and create something new.


Listen now to the Soul Guided Meditation – How to Transform What Needs to Change


I wish you all success and happiness!!!


With love and appreciation,

Master Francisco Quintero



Create New Possibilities in Your Life: Day 12 What Makes You Happy and Full of Love?

“Be happy with what you have and are, be generous with both, and you won´t have to hunt for happiness.” ~William E. Gladstone



What Makes You Happy and Full of Love?


It always brings me great joy and happiness to teach and heal. This weekend Master Elisabeth and I had a beautiful Tao Year 1-2 Retreat in Frankfurt, Germany. We celebrated the opening of our new Tao Soul Light Calligraphy Room. We are so blessed to have this new powerful healing calligraphy room that our beloved spiritual father has blessed with Tao healing power.


This weekend I had the opportunity to experience gratitude at a deeper level. We were grateful to all the students who helped to create the new Tao Soul Light Calligraphy Room.


We were grateful to our spiritual father and teacher, Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha, for teaching our students via Skype on Friday for more than three hours. He uplifted and blessed the new calligraphy room. We are so blessed. We were grateful to all the Divine Mothers who celebrated and blessed our students on Sunday to celebrate Mother´s Day. We were grateful to all our students, and all humanity.


We are so blessed beyond words.


This weekend I observed the hearts of the students expand and fill with love as they received blessings from Guan Yin (Buddha of Compassion), the Divine and Tao, and the Tao Soul Light Calligraphies. The students who were very grateful had a heart overflowing with love, light, and deep appreciation.


In order to create something new in your life it is important to do what you love and do it with happiness. Love is a powerful force that can create infinite things. Happiness will inspire you to grow and move forward.


How do you develop this sincere gratitude? How do you develop more happiness? Master Marilyn says in her book Gratitude: The Key to Happiness, “The way to achieve happiness is to focus on gratitude.”


She goes on to say “One way to begin developing more happiness is to spend three to five minutes thinking about what makes you happy? What brings a smile to your face? What brings a smile to your heart?”


Take a minute now and think about what makes you happy. Write it down in your journal.


If you can’t think about anything that makes you happy, Master Marilyn says you need to go on a treasure hunt, and search for the gifts in your life throughout the day. I like this idea.


Look for new things in your daily life. Observe everything the minute you wake up, travel to work, or go grocery shopping. Observe anything that is new in your life and say “Thank you” from the bottom of your heart. Say it with deep appreciation.


Appreciate everything new in your life. Find the beauty in the things around you. Find the beauty in all the souls around you. If you say thank you each time you will make a soul-to-soul connection. Say “Thank you,” in the condition of gratitude and you will experience joy and happiness.


Today we begin our treasure hunt!


Appreciate the new things in your life for the next three days, week or longer. Say, “Thank you.” Experience the deep soul-to-soul connection and fill your heart with happiness.


Doing this practice will uplift your soul, will open your heart, and you will begin to experience greater love, and happiness in your life. This love and happiness will give you the energy and inspiration to create something new in your life.


If you have already starting the process of creating something new in your life, this practice will help you to move forward, to clear blockages, and make the creation process a lot happier.


I love you all. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.


With the greatest love,

Master Francisco Quintero



21 Days of Self-Love: Day 12 A Mother’s Love is the Best Nourishment for Your Soul

Happy Mother´s Day. With love, Master Francisco.

Wisdom for the Heart & Soul

“All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother.” ~Abraham Lincoln

Welcome to Day 12

A Mother’s Love is the Best Nourishment for Your Soul

Today we are going to do a special meditation called A Mother’s Love is the Best Nourishment: Soul Guided Meditation. A mother’s love is a special quality of love that is very pure and unconditional. A mother’s unconditional love can melt all blockages. It can heal and transform all aspects of our life.

A Mother’s Love is the Best Nourishment: Soul Guided Meditation will help you to heal and transform your self-love blockages and also heal your relationship with your mother. Our mothers have a special connection with each of us and this is an opportunity to show our gratitude on this special day.

In this powerful meditation you will connect with Mother Mary, and to receive her unconditional…

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Create New Possibilities in Your Life: Day 11 Divine Healing Hands Blessing for Manifestation

“Divine Healing Hands carry divine frequency and vibration with divine love, forgiveness, compassion and light, which remove soul, mind and body blockages from every aspect of life.” ~Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha



Divine Healing Hands Blessing for Manifestation


I had a beautiful weekend this week in London at the London Wellbeing Festival. Our beautiful London group is growing and growing. Many people came to our stand and received Divine Healing Hands Blessings for health, relationships, finances and more. It was so nice to meet so many new people.


We also helped to create four new Divine Healing Hands Soul Healers for humanity. I congratulate them all. It is such an honor and privilege to receive Divine Healing Hands.


We are always in the state of creation and manifestation if we are connected to our hearts and souls, if we care connected to the Divine and Tao. This weekend we created soul healing miracle experiences for others to help spread Master Sha´s teachings in London and throughout the U.K. My soul was very happy to create and manifest.


Today I will offer everyone who is following the blog series of Create New Possibilities in Your Life a Divine Healing Hands Blessing to manifest the thing that you want to create in your life. Relax and enjoy the blessing.


Receive your Divine Healing Hands Blessing for Manifestation


I send each of you my love and light.


With the greatest love,

Master Francisco Quintero