Soul Wellness: Day 73 Develop Your Snow Mountain Area

In my spiritual and physical journey the Snow Mountain Area has been the key energy center for developing my energy, stamina, and vitality and most of all helping me to develop my Third Eye. The Snow Mountain Area is one of the most important energy centers of the body to develop in order to be happier and healthier. The Snow Mountain Area is the key energy center for developing the quality of your life and your well-being. It is the key for a long and healthy life.

What is the Snow Mountain Area? It’s a fist-sized energy center that is located at the base of the spine in front of the tailbone. If you can imagine a line going from your belly button straight back through your body. Now, go one-third of the way inside your body starting from your back. From this point, go straight down about 2.5 cun (a cun is a personal measurement that is the size of the width of the top join of the thumb at its widest part).

Why is it important for your life? The Snow Mountain Area is the energy center that stores and connects you with all of your ancestors. It holds the essence of their energy in this part of the body. The Snow Mountain Area is the energy source for the kidneys. Rejuvenating and prolonging the life of the kidneys will bring you long life and vitality. The Snow Mountain Area also provides the energy food for the brain and Third Eye. It is also the starting point of four energy meridians of the body (Ren, Du, Dai, and Chong) of traditional Chinese Medicine. If you develop the Snow Mountain Area it will provide nourishment for your whole body because of these four major energy meridians start here.

Traditionally the Snow Mountain Area is known to the yogis as the kundalini, to Taoists as the Golden Urn, and to traditional Chine medicine practitioners as the Mind Men Area, which means the gate of life. Snow Mountain Area is a Buddhist term. The Buddhists visualize a beautiful snow mountain in the location of this energy center. They imagine the Sun shining melting the snow. The snow transforms to water. The water transforms to steam. The steam then rises up the spinal column to nourish the kidneys, spinal cord, brain and Third Eye. The rising of the steam nourishes the whole body. This is similar to the rising energy of the kundalini. Let us now do a practice to develop your Snow Mountain Area.

Meditation for Developing the Snow Mountain Area

Place your hands in the Yin/Yang Palm over your Snow Mountain Area. Grip your left thumb with your right palm, using 80 percent of your maximum strength. Close your palms. Place this hand position over your Snow Mountain Area near your tailbone. Close your eyes. Completely relax. Take a few deep breaths into your lower abdomen. Relax your head, relax your eyes, your teeth, your jaw, and your neck. Relax your shoulders, and your spinal column. Relax your arms and hands. Relax you hips, your legs, your knees, and your feet. Completely relax.

Visualize in your Snow Mountain Area a beautiful tall snow-covered mountain. It’s a powerful and strong mountain sitting in your Snow Mountain Area. The sky is crystal clear. The Sun is shining brightly. The Sun is radiating light. Radiating! Radiating! Radiating! Light! Light! Light! Say hello to the Sun, “Dear soul, mind and body of the Sun, I love you. Please nourish and boost the energy of my Snow Mountain Area. Thank you.” The Sun is radiating light. Brighter! Brighter! Brighter! Visualize the snow begin to melt slowly as you chant sunlight. Chant: sunlight, sunlight, sunlight, sunlight, sunlight…

Visualize the snow melting. The snow transforms to water. The Sun is radiating light. It’s getting hotter. Hotter! Hotter! Hotter! Your whole body is getting hotter! The snow is melting. The snow is transforming to water. The water then transforms to steam. Visualize the water transforming to steam, and the steam begins to rise up your spinal cord, up to your brain and Third Eye. Chant: sunlight, sunlight, sunlight, sunlight, sunlight…

The steam is nourishing your whole body. The steam is rising up and nourishing your kidneys. Your kidneys are strong and healthy. The steam is nourishing your spinal cord and spinal column. The steam rises to the top of your head to nourish your brain and Third Eye. Your brain is receiving nourishment. Your Third Eye opens widely. Open! Open! Open! Your Snow Mountain Area is stronger. Your Snow Mountain Area is full of energy. Boost Power! Boost Power! Boost Power! I love my Snow Mountain Area. I love my Snow Mountain Area. I love my Snow Mountain Area.

Continue to visualize the snow-covered mountain. The Sun is shining brightly. Radiating light! Visualize the snow transform to water. The water transform to steam. The steam is rising and nourishing your whole body. Chant: sunlight, sunlight, sunlight, sunlight, sunlight…

Give thanks to your Snow Mountain Area. Give thanks to the Sun. I love you. Thank you for boosting my Snow Mountain Area. Thank you.

Practice this meditation for 15-30 minutes to boost the energy and fully develop your Snow Mountain Area. It is necessary to develop a daily practice for 15-30 minutes per day in order to develop it fully. It may take a few weeks, a few months, or a few years in order for it to be fully developed.

The Snow Mountain Area can always be developed further and filled with more energy. Even if you already have developed it you can always develop it further. This is important for those who want to have a long life, and fully open their spiritual channels. The Snow Mountain Area provides the food for the Third Eye. The Third Eye requires a lot of energy when you are using it so the Snow Mountain Area at times needs to be refilled with energy so that your body stays strong and healthy.

Today go through the meditation for developing the Snow Mountain Area. In your journal write down your experience from the meditation. I highly new students to practice daily.

Love you. Love you. Love you.

4 thoughts on “Soul Wellness: Day 73 Develop Your Snow Mountain Area

  1. Dear Master Francisco, thank You for this wonderful and transforming practice.Thank you for your beautiful blog. I love You. Anastasja

  2. Thank you Master Francisco for sharing this poweful practices, I am so grateful for this and I do it everyday, it has helped me to develop much more confidence, trust and general energy in my body. TY🙏🏻

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