Fifteen Days of Gratitude: Day 4 I Am Grateful

I am very happy today. Master Elisabeth and I just recorded a demo version for a new song. It is titled “I Am Grateful.” We also recorded it in German “Ich Bin Dankbar.” We had so much fun doing this and connected soul-to-soul to bring you this new song.

I am beginning to understand why Master Marilyn described happiness in Gratitude: A Key to Happiness as being animated. Master Elisabeth and I were very animated today and we experienced great happiness.

Here are the lyrics to our new song. Keep in mind that it’s a demo version and we hope one day we record it with some music. I can’t wait for that day to come.

I am Grateful

I am grateful. I am grateful. I am grateful. I am grateful.
I am grateful. I am grateful. I am grateful. I am grateful.
I am grateful. I am grateful. I am grateful. I am grateful.

Are you grateful?

Yes, I am.
I am grateful.
I am grateful for the sun.
I am grateful for my life.
I am grateful for my daughter.
I am grateful for the flowers.

I am grateful. I am grateful. I am grateful. I am grateful.

Are you grateful?

Yes, I am.
I am grateful.
I am grateful for the moon.
I am grateful for the stars.
I am grateful for the trees.
I am grateful for my parents.

We are grateful to the Divine.
We are grateful to The Source.
We are very grateful to Master Sha.
We are very grateful to Master Sha.

Today listen to “I Am Grateful” and share your experiences. Sing and dance “I Am Grateful”. Your life will be transformed.

With the greatest love,
Master Francisco

Listen now: “I Am Grateful” by Master Francisco & Master Elisabeth

Listen now (German version): “Ich Bin Dankbar” by Master Francisco & Master Elisabeth