Soul Wellness: Day 91 Transforming Feelings of Abandonment

Millions of people around the world suffer from feelings of abandonment. Very often feelings of abandonment are related to our relationships with our parents, and partners. Fear of abandonment is a blockage that many people experience that prevents them from experiencing joy and happiness in their lives. If you have experienced abandonment in this life or past lives it can create a negative memory which can block many aspects of your life including your health, relationships and finances.

Fear of abandonment is a negative soul memory that prevents people from healing and moving forward in their lives. Negative soul memories are like imprints on our soul of experiences in this life and past lives that hurt or harmed us in a very powerful way. They are very similar to having a traumatic experience. Soul memories related to abandonment block us from experiencing love and happiness in a relationship because of fear of being abandoned. They can also affect our health because often there is sadness, depression, anxiety that is related to the fear of abandonment. It is important to transform negative soul memories in order to experience good health and happiness in your life.

People often have soul memories of abandonment related to our parents and partners. Some people have experienced being abandoned by their mother, father or both parents in this life or past lives. A past life memory of being abandoned can create a deep sadness in the lungs and prevent people from having a loving relationship with their parents. Some people have past life soul memories of abandonment with their partners. You could have been abandoned by your partner in a past life which creates fear in your relationship or deep pain that prevents you from trusting your partner completely. You could have also been abandoned by other people in your life like a friend, business partner that prevents you from fully trusting them.

It is important to transform your soul memories related to abandonment to love and light. Here is a practice you can do to help you to transform your feelings of abandonment.

Practice to Transform Feelings of Abandonment

Body Power. Place your left palm over your lower abdomen. Place your right hand over your Message Center (Heart Chakra in the middle of your chest).

Soul Power. Say, “Dear soul, mind and body of my parents, my partner, all my friends, my business partners, and all the people that have abandoned me in this life and past lives, I love you all. I forgive you all unconditionally. Dear soul, mind and body of all the souls that I have abandoned in this life and past lives, I love you all. Please forgive me for abandoning you. I’m deeply sorry. I’m so honored and appreciative. Thank you.”

Mind Power. Visualize golden light radiating in your Message Center. Visualize all your loved ones radiating golden light from head to toe, skin to bone.

Sound Power. Chant repeatedly out loud or silently:

God’s Light
God’s Light
God’s Light
God’s Light
God’s Light

Chant God’s Light for 10-30 minutes, the longer the better. This is a powerful practice that can help to transform you feelings of abandonment to a person or group of people. If you suffer from strong feelings of abandonment I recommend you practice daily until you notice a transformation that has taken place in your relationship. If you have a strong abandonment blockage I also recommend you consider receiving a Removal of Negative Memory from Master Sha or one of his Worldwide Representatives to help you transform your blockage to love and light.

Today practice the exercise to transform your feelings of abandonment. In your journal write down your experience and any new insights that bring light to your relationships.

Blessings to you all!

2 thoughts on “Soul Wellness: Day 91 Transforming Feelings of Abandonment

  1. Dear Francisco;

    I am currently working on the pattern of abandonment. It is a pattern with many layers. For me, it is attached to loss and grief. So many situations can trigger the pattern stemming from many incarnations.

    When I was practicing the exercise ; at one point I could feel my Spiritual Mothers and Fathers purifying me with incense. The kind the Church uses in ceremonies. I knew that indicated a healing. I wll use this practice to continue the purifying. Thank you very much .SM

  2. I love this and every practice you have in your blog. All the practices help us transform every aspect of our life. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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